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Five Core Principles

Updated: Jun 29, 2018

The five core principles taught for the Fatherhood is Sacred™ curriculum help participants grasp the heart of the program. Each area of focus is important to understand and apply in our daily life.

1. Creator: First and foremost, Native Americans recognize the importance of spirituality and have a deep belief and appreciation that there is a Creator. He is the foundation of life and gives strength and purpose to face tremendous trials and hardships.

Just as we get to know the true nature of a family member or friend, it should be our goal to get to know the true nature of the Creator. Talk to Him, listen to Him and observe how He blesses your life. He has created a beautiful world for us to enjoy and gratitude for what the Creator has done for us, brings us happiness.

2. Choice: Choice is the freedom to act for yourself. This is our second greatest possession next to life and necessary for us to progress as a people. Without freedom of choice, people are like machines without responsibility or accountability to self or others. One who lacks freedom of choice is simply responding to commands or demands.

We must understand that while we are free to choose and act for ourselves, we are not free to choose the consequences of our choices. Consequences always follow our actions, whether they are good or bad. In reality, we select our destination or which road we will travel, by the choices we make. We develop self-respect and respect for others when we make our own choices and allow others the same privilege.

3. Teachable: Being teachable is being committed and have the desire to find truth. Meaning, we are humble and open minded enough to recognize and accept the truth in our lives when we hear it. In recognizing and accepting truth and being teachable, our hearts are open for positive change and we live happier lives.

There are many truths that we can use in our life. The truth of kindness, patience, hope, honesty, and gratitude. We are humble and become trustworthy. We love others and give unselfish services to others. Being teachable is an important part of positive change.

4. Wisdom: Knowledge and experience produces understanding. Understanding along with courage is true wisdom. It is our moral conduct centered in the heart of goodness and fairness that produces wisdom. Using wisdom requires us to have courage, as we stand up for what we believe but with wisdom we develop confidence to follow or lead when using good judgement. People with wisdom have a purpose and direction in life. They use their time, talents and resources wisely as they recognize what is important. They can discern truth. They understand the driving principles of knowledge and work in their life and conform to just and correct principles.

5. Service: Service is helping and caring for others. Native ancestors deeply valued service and viewed it as a sacred obligation and duty. They understood that no person is independent of others. We are all dependent upon others for help throughout our lives and when we serve someone, they become real to us. Service begins by making people feel welcome, wanted accepted and appreciated. We should serve each other.

Do not mistaken service for weakness as it is a strength that reflects courage. Service must become a way of life, and as we serve, we have a greater understanding of life and feel inner peace.

With these five principles, parents can realize the necessity of truly caring for their children. This helps families strengthen each other by building self-worth, keeping a positive attitude and developing a sense of identity.

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