Certified Facilitator Training
We have trained over 2500 facilitators and helped approximately 60,000 fathers and mothers with limited assistance from federal or state funds. Our programs span across North America; from Maine to Hawaii, Alaska to Florida, and across Canada.
NAFFA’s approach was specifically designed to work with Native American men, who are among the most difficult groups to work with. Soon after our program started, the fathers wanted the mothers to experience the program also, so the curriculum expanded to include mothers. Through our success, we have found that our purpose and methods extend to people of all ages, cultures, and backgrounds. The importance of responsible fatherhood and motherhood is universal, which is why we welcome and invite everyone to experience our programs!

Honolulu HI
is now open!
Linking Generations by Strengthening Relationships®
This amazing training provides individuals the knowledge and skills to implement a 14-week program that assists fathers, mothers, and families in enhancing their capacity to promote strong, healthy, and positive relationships.

Recertification training is for existing facilitators. Certification is active for two (2) years, at which point a facilitator will need to recertify. Our recertification training is done online via Zoom, and is two hours long. Once a facilitator recertifies, their certification renews for two (2) more years.