Every service organization needs positive feedback to verify their mission. Native American Fatherhood and Families Association’s (NAFFA) mission is to strengthen Native families by responsibly involving fathers in the lives of their children, families and communities and partnering with mothers to provide happy, safe families.
So NAFFA took the opportunity to run a Survey Monkey

back in 2013 to see how they fared. There were 146 individuals that started the survey, with 138 individuals completing the survey.
Overall, participants were overwhelmingly positive and pleased with the Fatherhood/Motherhood Is Sacred™ program as indicated by
71.3 % of the participants rating that they were “Extremely Satisfied” with the program.
67.1% stated that they would be “Extremely Likely” to recommend the program to others along with an additional 25.7% stating that they would be “Very Likely”.
Over 80% of participants “Strongly Agreed” with the following statements about the program:
· Increased the understanding of the power of wise choice
· Improved feelings about being a father/mother.
· Increased motivation to be a good parent/role model.
· Increased commitment to being a good parent/role model.
75-79 % of participants “Strongly Agreed” with the following statements about the program:
· Builds character and integrity.
· Develops skills to be responsible and nurturing fathers/mothers.
· Strengthens identity through understanding Native American Heritage.
· Builds confidence as a father/mother.
· Was useful in everyday parenting.
· Provides a positive support group of other men/women.
· Improved support, motivation, involvement and level of contact with children.
· Increased sound knowledge about being a good parent/role model.
· Increased understanding of the needs of children for love and security.
· Increased confidence in my actions as a parent/role model.
· Increased closeness of relationship with children.
· Improved the skills required to be a good parent.
· Changed my behaviour toward becoming a better parent/role model.
· Provided a sense of hope for children and their future.
The demographics were as follows:
51.1% of participants were women.
The age 30-39 had the highest number of participants at 34.3%.
There were 45% working and 47% were not working.
50.4% of the respondents who were working earned less than $10,000 per year.
Only 10% of the respondents had received an education beyond high school.
90% of participants were Native American.
Those were very encouraging numbers and since 2013 we have reached many more Native fathers and mothers all over the country in many different tribes.
The tools these parents learn help them to understand that real and lasting change of themselves must come from within. Filling our life with hope, gratitude and understanding has a powerful effect in changing attitudes and behavior.

We each walk a different path in life. We each have our own unique set of life experiences. As we learn through study and education, we empower ourselves to improve our ability to make better decisions.
Bringing a positive attitude of the gift of life and living a good life is a blessing for every family. We can set our standards with the spirit of kindness, fairness, appreciation, safety, joy and laughter into our home.