Who would have thought webinars would have become so popular back in 1996 when this form of communication first started. Native American Fatherhood and Families Association were able to produce three webinars in 2016 and 2017 which have been added to our website.
Located at https://www.nativeamericanfathers.org/ on the lower right hand side of the screen under “Webinars and Power points”, you will find three webinars available to anyone who is interested in Suicide Prevention, Grandparents Raising Grandchildren and Raising Children with Special Needs.
Suicide Prevention: This webinar includes the behaviors, signs, and emotional pain and suffering, which someone feels when thinking about suicide. The webinar addresses the positive steps to be taken for family members and friends after the suicide. There are powerful messages of attitude, hope, gratitude, humility, in building strong relationships to prevent suicide.
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren: As more grandparents assume responsibilities for parenting their grandchildren, they struggle with a range of difficulties in recognizing and addressing issues that the younger generation will be confronting, from new technologies, to school concerns, to contemporary social problems. This webinar will offer suggestions to overcome these concerns.
Raising Children with Special Needs: The emotional impact that a child with special needs may
have on parents is a challenge within the home. This webinar discusses the response to the news and addresses other emotional responses and how to deal with the grief of difficulties. Along with suggestions to help parents with every day challenges, this webinar address stress management, research and tips which will help the needs of the parents.
These three webinars have been very helpful to many parents and grandparents in raising their children and grandchildren. The information given is invaluable and can help anyone in any one of these three situations.